Why Mobile Internet Is Always a Better Choice Than Dial-Up

In this day and age, it may seem unthinkable that people would choose dial-up Internet service over any other option on the market. However, dial-up Internet companies like AOL are still going strong because of the business they get from rural America. Rural Americans have come to rely on dial-up Internet because of its widespread availability to anyone who owns a landline phone. Since rural communities usually do not have the right infrastructure to support high-speed broadband Internet, dial-up is seen as the next best thing because dial-up Internet is better than no Internet service.

However, for some rural residents, dial-up is far from the best possible type of Internet for rural areas given the current circumstances. While it’s true that rural communities do not have access to fiber optic Internet and other high-performance choices, rural residents can still get high-speed Internet access from mobile Internet service providers such as UbiFi.

UbiFi and its fellow mobile Internet companies are ideal rural Internet service providers because they use cell towers strewn throughout rural America to provide Internet signals instead of relying on the infrastructure that broadband Internet service providers rely on. Since cell towers are ubiquitous even in rural towns, people living in these towns have a good chance of being in a cell tower’s coverage area. If you are in the area covered by UbiFi or any other mobile Internet company, you may be able to enjoy speeds higher than the download speeds of some satellite Internet companies. You’ll also be able to enjoy low-latency Internet access that can compete for the title of best Internet for rural gaming. If you are currently using dial-up, consider switching to mobile Internet today.

Why Data Caps Are an Important Factor for Choosing the Right Rural Internet Service Provider

If you live in rural America, many factors can affect your choice of a rural Internet service provider. Availability, performance, and cost are three of the most prominent factors that many rural Americans consider while looking for the best rural Internet service provider. However, there is one detail that many potential buyers overlook when considering the cost of the Internet for rural areas.

Before committing to any single Internet company because their prices sound reasonable, rural residents should also check if they place any caps on their data usage. In most cases, if you exceed these data caps, you will have to pay expensive overage fees. The average Internet company that limits data charges overage fees of around $10 per every 50 GB you go over the limit. While this may not seem like a large amount, data caps might begin to bleed your wallet dry if you frequently stream high-definition video content or music or if you take part in live activities like video conferences and online gaming.

Instead of putting yourself in a position where you have to pay expensive overage fees, you should look for an unlimited satellite Internet company or an unlimited 4G rural Internet company such as UbiFi. Satellite Internet companies like Starlink offer unlimited data, while mobile 4G Internet companies like UbiFi also provide high-speed, high-performance mobile Internet with no data caps or overage fees. If you’re having trouble deciding between unlimited satellite Internet and unlimited mobile Internet, there are also other factors you must consider before choosing a provider. For example, UbiFi and other mobile Internet providers also carry less latency than satellite Internet. Details such as these may also play a part in which unlimited Internet service you choose.

Is 4G Mobile Internet Good for Mobile Homes?

If you’re an avid RVer who loves long road trips, you may be wondering how to set up high-speed, high-performance Internet in your mobile home. During long nights on the road, you may want to unwind by checking your email, talking to your loved ones on social media, or streaming a movie or television series. Since your RV is constantly in motion, you won’t be able to rely on the same infrastructure that a stationary home would use. For this reason, you should consider the best RV Internet options available to you.

One option you may be thinking about is finding a good RV mobile Internet service provider such as UbiFi. Companies like UbiFi offer 4G Internet router products such as the MoFi 4500. This router supports both Wi-Fi connectivity and up to 4 LAN ports for wired ethernet connectivity. It is also user-friendly and easy to set up. It takes around 15 minutes to assemble and connect the router. This product from UbiFi can work wonders for RVers when they need high bandwidth and ethernet features. It is also very fast and carries low levels of latency, which is ideal for users who plan to play online multiplayer games while on the road.

4G mobile Internet’s low-latency nature makes it a good alternative to satellite Internet for camping. Satellite Internet is notorious for high levels of latency because of the distance between satellites in orbit and RVs on the ground. Therefore, RVers who plan to use the Internet for online gaming and work meetings may find it more practical to sign up for mobile Internet instead of satellite Internet service providers such as HughesNet and Viasat.

Why Mobile Internet Is a Viable Choice for Rural Gaming

There are usually several priorities people have when finding an Internet service provider. These priorities vary from person to person, but they usually include being able to communicate with others, keep up with the latest news, and access the best forms of entertainment. For many rural residents, accessing the best entertainment means being able to play highly-demanding online multiplayer games.

However, it can often be challenging to find the best Internet for rural gaming because of the more sparse options for Internet for rural areas. While the best satellite Internet providers can keep you connected for hours while you play online games, satellite Internet has one internet issue that may interfere with your online gaming experience. If you enjoy games that require a high degree of skill and precision such as competitive online shooters, satellite Internet’s higher levels of latency may interfere with your performance and results. When every small movement counts, rubberbanding can ruin your timing and aim, creating a frustrating experience for players who want to win. For this reason, rural gamers should consider switching to a mobile Internet service provider such as UbiFi.

Companies like UbiFi use 4G towers scattered throughout everyday environments to provide Internet signals instead of satellites in outer space. This system greatly reduces the distance the signals must travel to reach rural households. Distance is one of the factors that affects latency the most, so bringing users closer to 4G antennas can help mitigate many of the problems that rural gamers using satellite Internet face. Furthermore, some UbiFi products also come with the option to subscribe to MoFi’s Cloudlink service, which can help console gamers connect to the company’s online service without any issues.

How to Beat Internet Latency in Rural Areas

Latency can be one of the most aggravating things to experience while using the Internet. This is especially true if you work from home or enjoy online gaming. Rural town residents are likely familiar with the bothersome delays and lagging caused by latency. Rural areas are prone to latency for several reasons.

First, the distance between a device and an Internet service provider’s servers can play a factor in latency. Because of rural areas’ separation from major hubs of tech and industry, this distance can play a part in the ping rate. Secondly, satellite Internet service providers are among the most popular companies selling Internet for rural areas. Even the best satellite Internet service providers use satellites in the atmosphere to provide Internet signals for their customers. Because of the aforementioned distance issue, nearly all satellite providers suffer from high levels of latency.

If you’d like to avoid latency issues interfering with your work or entertainment, there are several things you can do. First, you can switch from a satellite Internet provider to a mobile rural Internet service provider. Since mobile Internet providers such as UbiFi use cell towers scattered abundantly throughout rural America, they can overcome the distance issue and greatly reduce your Internet connection’s latency. Second, you can switch from a wireless to a wired connection. UbiFi and other mobile Internet providers provide equipment that is also compatible with wired connections. UbiFi specifically allows up to 4 devices to connect to its network through LAN cables. Lastly, you can check if any obstructions or interference are blocking your Internet device from accurately receiving a signal. Sometimes, the most practical solution is the best one.

Making Sacrifices to Achieve Your Dreams in Business

Some people speak of making sacrifices to achieve their dreams. Natalie Hawkins, the mother of Olympic Gold Medalist Gabby Douglas, says that she had to make some tough sacrifices in order to make her daughter’s dream come true. She had to move to a new state, spend thousands of dollars, and forget about her own dreams and even her own life for a while. She says that she encountered many obstacles along the way but never gave up.

This is probably the similar story you’ll hear from many successful people. They lost sleep. They had to move out of their comfort zone almost every day. There were setbacks. They got exhausted and frustrated. They felt like giving up and some even did give up for a period of time. It didn’t look like they would be able to create abundance.

Success is not for the faint of heart. It’s for the heroes, those people who can stick it out even when the seas get choppy and it appears that your ship may go down. You’ll have days of exasperation and days of exhaustion, but simply take a deep breath and recall why you originally made this choice and chose this path. Then just shake it off and move on.

Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue offers help for entrepreneurs who have a dream. The book is for those who want to live a life where they create abundance. Learning to meditate is one of the useful suggestions. This is beneficial for everyday stress. This book’s advice can help you stay focused on moving forward as you work to achieve your dreams.

What is the pillar content strategy?

Blog provided by Electric Kitten

The most common feature amongst the most successful content driven websites are pillar content. Take any website you like that has a focus on content and you will find large expansive articles that focus on a single high-level topic. That is an example of pillar content. Early blogging courses online laid out a plan for beginners that always insisted on at least four pillar articles before launch. Leave out pillar content and you stand to lose out on a lot of traffic and revenue. Adopting a pillar content strategy is a lot of work but is both easy and rewarding.

Begin the process by picking a topic, and most importantly, find out absolutely everything that people want to know about that topic. This part is critical. We do not want an expansive article that covers everything. We want it to cover everything that people look for online. Basic keyword research will get you a list of sub-topics.

Now create the pillar content with a basic intro and then cover each subtopic in as much detail as necessary for it to be useful to the visitor. Always include the links, citations, and credit for any supporting information used for your conclusions and statements. Creditability increases greatly when claims are backed by studies or reputable sources.

Now that you know what pillar content is, it is time go out there and put it into practice. With the right pillar content, you will see increases in traffic, revenue, and user engagement.

If you need an Los Angeles web hosting provider you can trust, contact Electric Kitten today. They’ve provided reliable web hosting services for almost two decades. If you are in the Southern California area, give them a call.

Threat modelling 101

Blog provided by Electric Kitten

At its most basic level, threat modelling is the process of going through all IT systems in an organization, listing threats, and coming up with mitigations. In a sense, it is about identifying all possible issues and putting things in place to make sure you can recover quickly or prevent them altogether. Let’s look at a more detailed version of the process.

Step 1

The most important part of the process is identifying all systems. If you miss one, you leave a potential gap for future failure that can affect one or more of your other systems. Part of how you negate that risk is to include people from all departments as part of the first step. The systems in question can be internal or external, physical, or virtual, hardware or software. Get this step right and this process will be a success.

Step 2

Now that you have a list of systems, start looking at all the threats and risks associated with that system. You could have a web app to handle transport requests. That could potentially be attacked, hacked, or defaced. Those could be three different threats for each with the result being a denial of service.

Step 3

Now that you have a list of threats, start putting mitigations next to those. If you have mitigations in place, that is great, if not list possible mitigations. When organizations do this process the first time, the list can be quite large, so it is important to prioritize your mitigations. Commercial enterprises can assign dollar values to the threats to make it easier and less political when assigning priorities.

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Look for These Entertainment Financing Deals on Cyber Monday

Blog provided by Curacao

Hi-tech entertainment products may be pricey, but Cyber Monday can be the perfect time to save on these products through online shopping. If you’re looking to finance products through monthly increments, here are a few things to put on your entertainment shopping list.

Streaming Media Players

Streaming media players such as Apple TV or Google Chromecast can provide hours of movies, TV shows, and other great content for your viewing pleasure.

Video Game Consoles

If you’ve always wanted to dive into the world of console gaming, Cyber Monday can be a great time to look for Playstation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch consoles and games. Check GameStop for Cyber Monday console deals.

Gaming Computers

Game consoles aren’t the only high-powered machines capable of providing a quality gaming experience. Look for gaming desktops and laptops from brands such as Acer, MSi, and Dell’s Alienware brand.


It’s become a Cyber Monday tradition to look for the latest televisions at a discount. You’ll be able to find high-definition TVs, smart TVs, and other cutting-edge flat-screen televisions during the online sales.

Wireless Headphones

If your preferred method of entertainment is listening to music, a pair of Beats wireless headphones or Apple Airpods may be the most worthwhile purchase on Cyber Monday.

If you want to save on financing deals, the first place to look is Curacao. Curacao Credit comes with an interest beat guarantee. If you find a lower store card interest rate from one of our major competitors, simply show us the recent receipt or pre-approved offer. We won’t just match it; we’ll beat it! It’s quick and easy to sign up for Curacao Credit, even if you have a low credit score!

15 Helpful Tips – Learn How to Program Code

  1. Limit your toolkit. There are many people who want to use the latest and greatest tools, believing they will be better coders because of it. The truth is that you either have an innate ability to do it or you don’t.
  1. Limit your ambitions. This means that at the beginning you want to keep things as simple as possible. Trying to do too much too soon will only frustrate you and extend your learning curve.
  1. Pay attention to the details. One of the most important factors in learning how to program is by paying close attention to the details. A missed semicolon can produce very strange results.

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